Thomson Reuters provides professionals with the intelligence, technology and human expertise they need to find trusted answers. We enable professionals in the financial and risk, legal, tax and accounting, and media markets to make the decisions that matter most, all powered by the world's most trusted news organization.
More than 45,000 professionals, in 100+ countries and 100+ years of experience.
As The Answer Company, we know that data on its own is not enough. Without insightful people and intuitive technology, data has no source and no direction. It's just noise.Our boundary breaking solutions provide a unique view of the challenges modern professionals face.Our employees come from the very industries we specialize in. We are business analysts, lawyers, accountants, programmers, publishers and more.We are The Answer Company.
We provide a wide range of stimulating, developmental opportunities for students and recent graduates around the world. Our internships help build your skills and give you the vital experience of working for a global leader. Realizing your potential is a journey.Our recent graduate programs offer a spectrum of paths that let you determine which direction to take your career. No matter which you choose, you'll have the opportunity to build your leadership skills and knowledge in an environment that celebrates performance.
For more information please visit the internship and recent graduates career websites.