RhySearch. Das Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum Rheintal

From precision manufacturing to optical coating, innovation begins here. RhySearch collaborates with industry and provides proprietary research as a service to originate hi-tech projects. RhySearch is companies’ contact point for comprehensive research and innovation support and promotes networking among business and research institutions. The technical infrastructure of RhySearch is unique in Switzerland and Liechtenstein: • The Precision Manufacturing division operates the only research centre for high and ultra-precision machining, with high-precision machine tools and measuring equipment in a temperature-controlled manufacturing laboratory. • The Optical Coating division is a centre of excellence with high-end coating systems and a highly specialised laser laboratory for layer analysis. The Network & Innovation division launches initiatives designed to create opportunities and offers an independent, outside perspective on all questions relating to innovation. Its calendar features frequent events, both proprietary and those co-sponsored with partners. In addition, RhySearch conveys and offers instruments to promote innovation in companies. Based in Buch SG, RhySearch is an institution governed by public law, sponsored by the Canton of St. Gallen and the Principality of Liechtenstein. Permanent cooperation partners are the OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Empa, inspire AG, and the University of Liechtenstein. RhySearch was founded in 2013 and since 2017 has been recognised by Innosuisse, the Swiss Agency for the Promotion of Innovation, as a research institution eligible for funding.
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RhySearch. Das Forschungs- und Innovationszentrum Rheintal Buchs SG, Switzerland
RhySearch is Switzerland’s leading research and innovation centre in the areas of high and ultra-precision manufacturing as well as optical coating. With our systems and machines as well as Our measurement technology makes us unique in Switzerland. RhySearch is a public Company based in Buchs SG. We are looking for you as (Senior-) Researcher (a) for numerical simulation and/or data science in our Digital Innovation Lab. You will support our research activities in the merging areas of modeling/numerical simulation and data science/AI. Your Tasks: Participation in the implementation of research and development projects; Technical and financial management of research and development projects; Participation in the acquisition and initiation of research and development projects as well as Project preparation and preparation of applications; Establishing and maintaining relationships with regional and...