SynSpace - we are consultants, assessors and trainers for system and software development in safety-relevant areas. This is what we stand for: • Process evaluation and compliance with process and qualification standards • Support, accompaniment and neutral reviews of development projects • Training and coaching to master the complexity of software development • Best practices in the implementation of normative requirements • Sustainable and cooperative support of process improvement projects • Use of established metrics to evaluate our own suppliers • Participation in the further development of methods, norms and standards At SynSpace you will find the leading experts in Automotive SPICE®, functional safety and cybersecurity: Automotive SPICE® In addition to carrying out assessments, our consultants and assessors also offer professional consulting for Automotive SPICE® processes. This includes reviews, ensuring compliance with standards, checking relevant documents and targeted knowledge transfer to those involved in the project. In this way, we support effective and practical competence building in the area of Automotive SPICE® in your organization. Functional Safety SynSpace is characterized by proven expertise in the field of functional safety (ISO 26262) and has many years of experience in evaluating OEMs and development suppliers as part of distributed product development. This applies both to the assessment of organizational processes and specifically to the project. Automotive Cybersecurity SynSpace offers support in the development and implementation of cybersecurity measures in accordance with ISO 21434 and ISO 24089, including Automotive SPICE® for Cybersecurity Assessments and training on the secure networking of vehicles and infrastructure. We offer a wide range of training courses through our training center.