Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
3001 Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Thousands of scientists supported by the SNSF are researching nature, technology and society. Their findings are the basis for progress. Our job is to select the best research ideas in national competitions. We are committed to a strong research location in Switzerland and convey the value of research. Become part of our team! For the Data Systems & Services team we are looking for an experienced
Software Engineer:in - Business Intelligence
Your tasks
Establishment, further development and operation of the SNSF data platforms
Development and maintenance of the new company-wide data warehouse
Operation, further development and support (2nd/3rd level) of the data platform services
Internal consulting for data architecture and reporting
Responsible for and participation in the evaluation, introduction and operation of development tools, methods and techniques
Development of ETL/ELT pipelines and data models as well as Power BI datasets and reports...